Maintenance Management Setup Equipment
An equipment is one of the most important entities in the Dynamics Maintenance Management module; on the equipment actual (maintenance) work is performed. The Dynamics Maintenance Management module provides an efficient way to create an equipment the way that is needed in your business.
Using the Graphical Equipment builder, equipment and components can be created by dragging and dropping Equipment types, component types, items, etc. to create an equipment tree. The creation of the tree will automatically create new equipment and components which can be used throughout the Maintenance Management module.
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Equipment > Manufacturers
This is a base tabel for manufactureres to be associated with equipment types. Used for reporting and statistics
Description |
Description of the manufacturer ID |
Equipment Category
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Equipment > Equipment category
A base tabel for grouping equipment types. As equipment types have operational differences for things like spareparts lists, the can be very specific.
For reporting and statistics, a high lever grouping can be made the equipment category.
Description |
Description of the equipment category. |
Equipment Type
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Equipment > Equipment type
An equipment type define specific families of equipment. Therefore different equipment types are needed if one of the settings is different between equipment types you want to use with Maintenance Management if for instance the parts BOM differs or the mean repair time for any of the event codes differs; you may need tow equipment types.
Also, different equipment types are needed when the allowed structure or allowed visit schedule are different. The amount of equipment types depends on the complexity of the maintenance business and the complexity of the items that need to be maintained.
Equipment type description |
Description of the equipment type. Advised is during creating the description, try to relate the description to the specific funciton of the equipment type. |
Details | General |
Component type |
The component type of the equipment type controls the way the equiment hierachy can be build. Equipment types can only be used as child, if the parent equipment allows its component type as setup in this field. The select component type in this field determines the relation between a component type and an equipment type. |
Parent Project |
When a new created equipment (is a project) should belong to a certain parent project, it can be defined her. The new created equipmen will then be a subproject. This can be convenient for grouped reporting. |
Manufacturer |
Manufacturer ID |
Code identifies the manufacturer. This code will be visible in the equipment type setup and on the individual equipment. |
Manufacturer description |
Description of the manufacturer ID |
Equipment category |
Equipment category |
Select the appropriate category. This category is used for grouping purposes and can be used in reporting. |
Description |
Description of the equipment category. |
Child component types |
Remaining component types |
These remaining component types can't be used in the creation of a structure based on this equipment type. |
Selected Component types |
The selected components can be linked underneath this equipment type. Besides these components, it is also allowed to add equipment underneath this "main equipment". The allowed equipment types are derived based on a combination of the allow components types and the relation between the component types and the equipment types. |
Auto-Create meters |
Remaining component types |
These remaining component types can't be used in the creation of a structure based on this equipment type. |
Selected component types. |
A meter is a specific component type used for registering meter values. The selected components can be linked underneath this equipment type. Besides these components, it is also allowed to add equipment underneath this "main equipment". The allowed equipment types are derived based on a combination of the allow component types and the relation between the component types and equipment types. |
Setup |
Equipment builder |
When moving blocked is ticked, equipment of this typ can't be moved from one equipment structure to another in the grapical equipment builder. |
Meters |
If more meters are applicable, select a primary meter type for this equipment type. |
Fixed Asset |
Auto create asset |
When checked, an asset will automatically be created when creating a new piece of equipment. The asset will be linked to the project of the equipment, for this a project of the type internal is required. |
Fixed asset group |
Select the fixed asset group to be used for the creation of a fixed asset. This field workts in combination with the auto create asset option. |
Template |
Select the template to be used for the creation of a fixed asset. This field works in combination wit hteh auto create asset option. |
Scheduling |
Create Resource |
Automatically create a resource for object of this type |
Resource Type |
Determine which resourc, choose from dropdown. |
Production stop |
Specify if a production stop work order can be created. |
Maintenance Schedules |
Selected maintenance schedules |
The selected maintenance schedules can later be used in combination wiht this equipment type. These maintenance schedule(s) are allowed but won't be added automatically. The maintenance schedules via Mainenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Maintenance schedule |
Remaining maintenance schedules |
The remaining maintenance schedules can't be linked/ activate for this equipment type. |
Equipment property sheets |
When ticked on the selected property sheet, will be visible on the individual equipment. By default, the labels on the property sheet are defined with default technical descriptions. Just like standard labels, the labels can be changed per implementation. |
Button Event codes
The event codes buttons opens a form to set up the applicable eventcodes for the equipment type. For more information regarding eventcodes see here.
In the tab Item usage, items can be defined to be used with the combination equipment type and eventcode. The items defined will automatically be added to work order tasks created based on this equipment type event code combinatation.
On the operations tab, operations can be define for the combination to the equipment type and eventcode.
Equipment type |
Equipment type for this eventcode |
Event code |
Unique identification of a work package, possible to perform on this equipment type. Not editable when saved. For a new combination equipment type / event code, the event code can be selected from the dropdown. |
Details |
Bill of material with spares specific for this combination of event code and equipment type. During the maintenance proces this BOM allows for spare parts lookup in the correct cotnext instead of from the full invent table. |
Title on document |
Title to print on the workorder in case of using this event code. |
Resource required |
If ticked, equipment resource is added to resource requirement for scheduling |
Item number |
Item to be consumed as spare part. The selection can be made from the item master table. |
Configuration |
Configuration id of the above item. Also based on the configurations defined on the item master. |
Product name |
The item name will be copied from the selected item number. |
Quantity |
Quantity to consume for the event. |
Operations |
Operation no. |
Unique number of the operation to be performed on this event. This can be selected from the list with allowerd operations for this equipment type. |
Description |
Description of the operation no. This description will be inherited from the operation setup. |
Component type |
Selects the sub-equipment the operation is to be applied on. The sub-equipment needs to be below the parent equipment on the work order for the task the event code is selected on. |
Resource requirements
The button resource requirements provides acces to the setup of the resource requirements for the chosen combination type and event code. For this combination you can define the required skills/ certifcates/ course etc. This level is the most detailed level of define required resource requirements.
It is also possible to define resource requirements on equipment level. The requirements from all the different levels will be combined on the service task. This means that the resource requirements from the equimpent, equipment type/ event code will be copied to the task. The resource that you will schedule, will have to comply with all the entered requirements.
Filter |
Filterfield |
Details |
Requirement type |
Via this dropdown, it is possible to define the resource type. The resource types can be skils/ certificates/ resource etc. Based on the chosen resource type, the requirement drop down will show differentvalues. the set up of these values needs to be done in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations HR module. This level is the most detailed level of define required resource requirements. |
Requirement |
This dropdown wil show a list with avialable requirement. The content of the list is determined by the chosen resource type. |
Description |
The description of the requirement as selected. |
Use for |
Operation scheduling |
This checkbox is related to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and isn't required vor Maintenance Management. |
Job scheduling |
By default, this checkbox is set. When set this requirement is actively used while scheduling in the graphical scheduling overview. When un checked, the require stays valid but isn't actively checked while scheduling in Maintenance Management. |
Drag/ drop requirement |
This tickbox is only set by the system in case it is a system driven requirement based on drag and drop capabilities. |
Document titles
The documents titles can be used if the title must be printed on documents in another language.
Title on documents |
Description of the equipment type in the previous set language. |
Button Operations
The button operations opens a form filtered on the selected equipment type. For more information to set up operations see operations.
Type of operation |
Type of operation. |
Description |
Description of the operation. This description will als obe printed on documentation. |
Tab Details |
Maintenance schedule |
The maintenance schedule related to this type nter description here |
Component type |
Component type related to this type of operation |
Estimation |
Estimated duration |
Estimated duration of the operation. When used in preventive maintenance, this duration will be added to the total estimated number of hours of the task. |
Frequency |
Frequency |
Defines how many times an operation should take place in a defined peroid. Only used in preventive maintenance. |
Period |
Definition of the period in combination with the frequency. Only used in preventive maintenance. |
Usage volume |
Give the volume in comma separated values, related to the volume usage unit. The operation should be performed when this quantity is reached. Be aware that there is no automated volume checking. |
Usage volume unit |
Unit of the volume, i.e. running hours, km's etc. |
On the tab setup it's possbile to define the reference values for the operations. Per type of operation the referencee value fields will be different by type of operation.
Reference values |
Return value type |
The return reference value can be "manual" or "equipment property". When manual is chosen, the upper and lower limits nee to be define on the maintenance operation. When equipment property is chosen, the upper and lower limits can be linked to fields of the equipment propery sheets. |
Return reference type |
The possible options are: Integer, real, alphanummeric. THe types depends on the type of operation. |
Upper limit |
The upper limit as applicable for this operation. The upper limit will be visibel on the workorder task and the relevant documentation. |
Lower limit |
The lower limit as applicable for this operation. The lower limit will be visible on the workorder task and the relevant documentation. |
Unit |
The unit of the measured return value. |
Part |
The selected part from the parts table. Not related to the product master data module. |
Category |
Depending on the category hierarchy, chose the correct category from dropdown. |
Equipment type |
Equipment type chosen from dropdown. |
Button Functions
The button functions has 2 options, the option copy equipment type copies settings to a new equipment type. After copying, only the equipment ID and name should be added.
The other option is estimated usage, with this function it is posible to define an estimated usage for the maintenance schedule of the type Interval. This setup is not required for the maintenance schedules of the type frequency.
Description |
Description of the maintenance schedule. |
Schedule type |
The maintenance schedule is based on a schedule type which can be: Manual: Visit line define manually operations, to be used outside of the normal scheduled maintenance. Frequency: Number of visits in a period, i.e. year, month. Interval: Visit after a predefined usage, i.e. runninghours, kilometer, etc. |
Estimation |
Maintenance schedule |
Displays the maintenance schedule selected on the first tab. |
Priority |
Identification number for the line. When multiple lines are added, the description of the event code linked to the line with the highest proority will be used when executing the preventive maintenance schedule. This will only happen when the multiple lines have combined visits. |
Margin days early |
Specifies the margin in number of days earlier counted from the visit date. This margin is not linked to a calendar and works with 7 days a week. Make sure that the margin is never bigger than the period between two visits. |
Marging days late |
Specifies the margin in number of days later counted from the visit date. This margin is not linked to a calendar and works with 7 days a week. Make sure that the margin is never bigger than the period between two visits. |
No of visits |
Number of visits that must take place within the defined period. |
Period |
Period for the number of visits, i.e. weeks, months |
Event code |
The eventcode that will be used to create the maintenance task. Make sure that this eventcode can be used with the different eeuipment types. |
Work order type |
Call type that will be used when creating a task and work order from the planned maintenance. |
Work order status |
Work order status to assign the work order type. |
The time and material tab is only applicable for schedule type frequency.
Please a have look at other entries, for this entry more information will appear soon!!!
Equipment Properties
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Equipment > Equipment properties
On the equipment type can be defined whether there should be property sheets available for the specific equipment type. On a property sheet some lookup fields are available where predefined equipment properties can be defined. These predefined properties per lookup are created in this form. In total setup for five different properties is possible.
Description |
Description of the equipment property. |
Equipment templates
Maintenance Management - HSO NN > Setup > Equipment > Equipment templates
In the graphical equipment builder, equipment can be created with a structure. This hierarchal equipment structure is quite lik BOM as known in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations inventory module. This equipment structure can be made manually, or they can be created based on an equipment template.
Description |
Description of the equipment template. |
Component types |
Component type |
Select the component type in the dropdown that should be included in this template. Only components types that are already linked to the selected equipment type can be used. |
Description |
Decription of the selected component type. This description needs to be entered manually. |